Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dim sum with a rattle

What other occasion calls for the most cutesy little decorations and treats but the baby shower? I had the fortune to be invited to one and design some adorable cupcakes for a co-worker and friend.

So what do you think so far? Can you guess what they'll become?

Her favorite is chocolate. So these are devil's food with a ganache frosting and decorate with fondant on top.

Too cute!

That's right folks, baby rattles!

The mommy-to-be mentioned that she was craving dim sum. So the department conspired together to make her a surprise baby shower. What a surprise too - she was shocked!

And of course, the leftover batter was made into cupcakes for yours truly ;)

Too delicious!

Chocolate fiends, rejoice in Devil's food mini cupcakes with ganache frosting