Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cake Pops!

Things that taste great on a stick: all types of meat or vegetable kebobs, ice creams, lollipops, corn dogs, nuts, candies, fruits, even sloppy joes and pizzas now. The list keeps going.

Well, moving on, I was introduced to Bakerella's website over the past year and when I saw her red velvet cake pops, I just had to make my own.

So on a blah Sunday afternoon, I baked my red velvet cake and whipped up some delicious cream cheese frosting. Doesn't it look divine mixed in together like that?

As X would say, "I just want to bury my face in that." I must admit the temptation was too strong and I did inhale some. But I was able to abstain killing the whole batch and mold them onto the lollipop sticks.

Already so cute! But it gets waaay better

Melt some semisweet chocolate chips with a teaspoon of vegetable shortening and we have glossy and pretty cake pops. They are now ready for their close ups.

Je t'adore Bakerella!

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